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7 CRO Tips For High-Converting SaaS Features Page

In the competitive space of SaaS, Features and Solutions pages must be well crafted to convert customers. So, if your pages are outdated and visitors are bouncing, it’s time for a redesign.

Features pages are like an online store. If you can’t find the information on the product you like, you’ll likely leave the website due to the lack of details. Prospective customers must also know the benefits you’re offering before even starting a free trial with your product – if they know what to expect, lower chances they’ll churn.

The importance of high-converting Features pages

High-converting features or product pages play a crucial role in the success of any SaaS business. They serve as the final destination of a customer’s journey, where all your marketing efforts culminate. A well-crafted features page can captivate visitors, build trust, and get them to take the desired action—to buy your product.

A Features page starts by getting the potential customer’s attention and slowly guiding them through your product features to encourage them to purchase. In this case, a features page acts as a virtual salesperson for any SaaS business.

7 ways to increase your SaaS Features page conversions 

Now that you know more about the importance of your features page, let’s look at the seven tips on optimizing your features page for maximum results.

1. Title and explanation

Well-written, detailed, and persuasive product descriptions that showcase your product’s benefits, features, and unique selling points can go a long way toward influencing potential buyers’ purchasing decisions.

Focus on your product’s benefits and how it can improve users’ lives. You can create an emotional connection with your users by using persuasive language and storytelling techniques.

2. Improve the page’s design

Based on the best practices of the best Features page design, your SaaS product page should consist of two columns. Fill in the first column with the benefits and add a suitable image on the second one.

Add illustrations, product dashboards, and icons that complement your statements to enrich the page’s visuals. However, avoid cramming unnecessary images and text into your features page. Even though you may think these will help your customers learn more about what you’re offering, they may distract and delay the buying process. Additionally, use negative space to group your content and use black text on a white background for easy reading.

3. Use specific language

The language and tone you use on your SaaS landing page can greatly impact your conversion rates. Your copy should address specific groups with specific problems looking for the right solutions. The words you choose and how you present them can affect how visitors perceive your product and your company entirely.

For example, avoid using language that is too technical unless you’re offering a specific product that you know your target audience is looking for. Therefore, more general products should use a friendly and approachable tone that will make visitors more at ease. Frequently use the word “you” but make sure you know who your customers are.

4. Highlight benefits instead of features

Even though offering feature-rich products is important for any SaaS business, highlighting features may not be enough to encourage buyers to purchase. To effectively sell your products, focus on showcasing your product’s two types of beneficial values:

  • Functional benefits – How your product can improve your customer’s functional or business outcomes, including revenue increases, Time-effectiveness, faster transactions, reduced incidents, etc. 
  • Emotional benefits – How your product improves your users’ emotional well-being. This includes the feeling of security, comfort, better knowledge, working smarter, and trustworthiness.

By emphasizing benefits over features, you can differentiate yourself from the competition and build better relationships with clients, increasing your revenue and sales effectiveness.

5. Add testimonials and customer reviews

When visitors land on your Features page, they are already interested in your product and aren’t looking for blogs or resources. Therefore, you should take this opportunity to show that you offer trustworthy products that have helped your customers.

According to Statista:

  • 93% of customers say they read customer reviews before buying from an unfamiliar digital store.
  • 33.6% ask friends and relatives if they’d recommend the product.

We are social beings, and we care about others’ opinions. Positive reviews are strong social proof to reassure potential customers that buying your product is a good decision. To gain more social proof, encourage customers to leave reviews by offering rewards or incentives for their feedback.

6. Add multiple calls-to-action (CTA)

A well-placed and visible call to action (CTA), such as “Buy Now” or “Book a Demo,” prompts customers to take action quickly.

Here are some interesting facts to help you determine when to use a CTA and the improvements you can expect:

  • Personalized CTAs perform 202% better compared to basic CTAs.
  • According to CXL, red-colored CTA buttons consistently outperform green ones.

Remember that your CTA shouldn’t appear only once. You can have it in multiple locations throughout the copy of your features page. The number of times it appears depends on your copy length—for a short page, two times (at the beginning and end) is likely enough. For pages that discuss many features, you can take advantage of space and encourage customers to take action multiple times.

7. Include product videos (optional)

Videos are another great tool that will significantly improve customer engagement. Surprisingly, not many SaaS companies use videos for their products. If you decide to add them, make sure the videos are clear and short and will direct visitors to take action instead of distracting them. Here are a few benefits of using videos:

  • Increases brand awareness – People remember 95% of the information from a video compared to the 10% they retain from reading. Therefore, implementing your product videos will increase your customers’ chances of remembering your product.
  • Build engagement – Tutorials and interviews can help show users what your product is all about and offer guidance on using it.
  • Saves time for value – Videos offer extra support by helping users see your product in action, making it easier for them to determine whether your product offers the right solutions.

Wrapping it up

And there you have it, our seven most important elements of high-converting features or product pages that will help your SaaS business increase conversion rates and boost sales. From giving clear titles and descriptions to compelling CTAs, adding testimonials, and focusing on benefits, all play a vital role in capturing your customers’ attention, building trust, and getting them to buy your product.

By optimizing these elements, you’ll gain a competitive edge in the SaaS market, which will lead to greater success in the long run.

Need help improving your SaaS site or product? Get in touch! We can help.

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